Do not edit this page. It is here to preserve the orginial colors & layout. sw (4-27-19)
Heading 1 is our banner: Enriqueta 45 px
Heading 2 is for "Member Spotlight" title on home page. (jr 9/12/19)
Heading 3 is for "News" "Reviews" & "Classes" on home page, just lighter than Heading 2. (jr 9/12/19)
Heading 4 is large Title - news articles, reviews, etc. Black Text.
Heading 5 black text, 33 pt, like for sidebars
HEADING 6 - Will be our Page Titles. See Jenny Test Page for suggestions.
Paragraph 2 = is for "Member Spotlight" text on home page. Open Sans, 19 pt, DBDBDB color, consider pairing Heading 2 and paragraph 2 throughout the site. (jr 9/12/19)
Paragraph 3 = is for text under "News" "Reviews" & "Classes" on home page, paired with Heading 3. Open Sans, 19 pt, white (FFFFFF) (jr 9/12/19)
Paragraph 1 is for "By" and "Date" on News page at present.
Heading 1: Banner Text; Enriqueta, 45 px, color F9DCBD
Heading 2: Page Titles for pages with dark backgrounds (list font, size, color) • Open Sans, 33 pt, grey (DBDBDB).
Heading 3: White titles, otherwise similar to Heading 2 • Open Sans, 33pt, white (FFFFFF)
Paragraph 1 = is for black text with Heading 4 & 5, same font and pt size as paragraphs 2 and 3.( jr 9.12.19)