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Join date: Feb 2, 2020


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Nicole Taylor lives in Eugene, Oregon. She is an artist, a hiker, a poetry note taker, a sketcher, a volunteer and a dancer, formerly in Salem's DanceAbility. Her poems has been accepted in Boneshaker: A Bicycling Almanac; Camel Saloon; Cirque Journal; Clackamas Literary Review; Cobra Lily Review; Outlaw Cowboy; West Wind Review and others. You can read more of her poetry at oregonpoeticvoices.

org/poet/312/ .

She had attended ArtScend's Mary's Peak Hike and workshops at Shotpouch Creek, Sitka Center, Nye Beach, Silverton Poetry Festival, Blue Pepper Cafe with jazz accompaniment by "Improvisations and Lively Noise," with Lawson Inada and other venues.

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